Thursday, May 12, 2016


Hello everyone:  We have been going round and round and over and back Monday and Tuesday of this week May 9, 10, with my cousin Charles and Marlene his wife (I consider my cousin as well) along with our friends from home, Chris and Bob.  
We traveled from Marsascala, where we 4 were picked up at 8:30 am by Charles and traveled North to the most northern point of Malta, west, then east and back south to home.  A full day.  
The second day was an early one, 7 a.m., North to the Ferry Port and over the Gozo.  All around, back and down and on the Ferry return at 5:00 p.m.  What beautiful sights, vistas, water, beaches.  Great food all along the way with coffee and lots and lots of history. 
 I'll post a few pics to give you some idea of what we experienced.  Much we had seen already, but the beauty is not hard to view again.  Our days were filled with good company, lots of laughs and memories that will last a very, very long time.  I can assure you we all slept well each night. 
All of this would have been impossible without Charles being available and willing to drive our rental 7 passenger vehicle.  Thank you, thank you very much, Charlie and Marlene.  Grazie, grazie hafna.  





Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Views from our balcony looking out the open Mediterranean Sea
Ciao from Marsaskala

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


TUESDAY MAY 3-16 5:11 am I woke this morning to hear rain, rain, rain.  How lovely and considerate for this much needed rain to fall through the night.  By 8:00 am the sun is shining through a hazy sky and the winds are still quite brisk as I look out at the palm trees that line the bay.  No special plans today but to post the blog and get some banking done and when everything is thoroughly dry outside, I'll happy, joyfully sweep the limestone dust off the balcony.  Oh, a women's work is never done...



 MONDAY MAY 2-16 6:30 pm.  We woke this morning to hear the St. Ann Parish church bells ringing first the 48 peals and then the little tune that has become very familiar. It is 8:00 am.  The sky looked ominous but quickly changed to blue skies with heavy winds over the island pushing the front out to sea.  We didn't rush out but went on bus to ta-Sliema, the tourist hot spot.  Lots of people, lots of hotels and shops, high end merchandise with many restaurants spilling out over the sidewalks; a wide waterfront promenade and marina and today, very strong winds that careen down narrow streets from above sea level onto the promenade to propel pedestrians off their feet nearly into the streets and sea. 
            We found a refuge inside a restaurant for lunch then thought perhaps Valletta would be a bit calmer on Republic Street and Merchant Street.  It was certainly calmer in that respect, however, a cruise ship was in and the two main streets of Republic and Merchants Streets and all their shops were flooded with tourists.  No problem, as is often said here.  We window shopped and decided to use our 2 hour bus transfer to head home.  Good thing too.  As we started for the bus terminus it started to sprinkle.  It was a very dry winter and rain is welcomed and more is needed. It's just nicer if you're not in it unprotected.  By the time we reached the terminus it was much heavier.  Now, my walking shoes are pretty much worn smooth - no traction.  You need to know that the stone & marble pavers all over the island are worn smooth and shiny as glass with centuries of use - and are very slippery when wet - not a good combination.  I kept slipping but thankfully upright and as we ran/slid to our bus bay, the bus was pulling away!   But the driver stopped.  Gratzi, thank you.  They most often do not, will not, cannot.  By the time we got home to our south end of the island it had dried up and skies were blue.  With a litre of fresh milk and some Parmigiano Reggiano Scaglie (shaved parmesan)     it's home for spaghetti and early to bed.   We'll see what tomorrow brings.



SUNDAY MAY 1-16 7:03 pm Greetings and blessings to Lobo.  We were at Bible Baptist Church this morning. Pastor Joe and Jenny Mifsud welcomed us with open arms, hugs and kisses.  How wonderful to connect with the people here who have become so dear to us.  We see much growth and many changes.  The auditorium is packed with both local Maltese and those from around the world who are working here now or holidaying. Portuguese, Asian, those from U.K. and more.  The whole auditorium has been rearranged to accommodate the growing numbers and we praise the Lord with them.  I'm guessing about 100 people now. The lectern is moved back and practically in the baptismal tank with very little room to push back any further and there is standing room only until the children are dismissed for their Church time.  What a wonderful dilemma for them.  God has provided new musicians too; most recently a guitar/keyboard player, a violinist as well as two lovely young voices, to join Jenny's on their Praise Team.  
            Ministry continues to grow and has spread to Malta's sister island of Gozo.  They now have a weekly bible study in Gozo along with weekly study and pizza at BBC in Malta.  A Pastor and wife are coming soon to join Pastor Joe and Jenny, Faith Bible Ministry continues the 3 year study programme (with exams at the end) and visits to different neighbourhoods of the islands inviting folks to BBC happens every Saturday.  Free transport to the church is still provided as part of the ministry of BBC to anyone who requires it.     The church is praying and waiting for approval and funds to finish some of their building projects; some we learned of on our first visit to BBC in 2008, but God has blessed; there is much going on.   
            As is usual at BBC, Pastor Joe welcomes all and "hands up please" to first time visitors.  Joe continues to welcome people to BBC and I half listen.  I hear words like welcome, friends, Mike and Antoinette, singer, music ministry and then realize he's talking about me. We're asked to stand and we are welcomed by the congregation.  It is always a surprise to be publicly recognized.  I feel very unworthy and small-er and very grateful to God for the ability He's given me, all at the same time.  I really am shy...small, to feeling smaller.  I take a big breath, stand and smile.
            The service was wonderful with uplifting, joyful singing and a powerful spirit filled message and we celebrate the Lord's table.  It was good to be in the Lord's house today.  As we were leaving, I was stopped by Jenny who said they were anticipating our return and I was introduced to one of the musicians.   So, we can continue to serve the Lord and His people here in Malta as He allows. How blessed can one person be?  I am so joyful I am without words and  so, I'll just sing!  
