Flight - great. Flat - wonderful. View - amaa- zing. Weather - perfect. Familiar family faces, sounds, smells, colours, flavours and accents all greeted me on arrival making me feel so at home. We are blessed and grateful. Arrangements are made for pickup each Sunday so we can attend Bible Baptist Church each week, in fact, they also offered to pick us up on Thursday evenings as well for study, fellowship and pizza. We'll take them up on that as well. The sun feels wonderful but my calves ache having overdone it with walking these last 3 days (no, not in my usual style of shoe) in very practical flats. Walking here is up steep streets then of course down, then up many stairs, then down and your legs get a real workout. It's just the hot flaky cheesecakes you feel entitled to eat after the strenuous walking called pastizzis (paw-stits-eeze) that will kill ya, not the walking. They are so good.
Our eating pattern has already changed from the usual Canadian schedule to eating the bigger meal earlier in the day, much less meat and far more soups and veggies or fruit and cheeses (I know) and then having tea and a much lighter supper. Our sleep patterns are off a bit still, but it's amazing how quickly you adapt.
Typical street in the Capital City of Valletta.
Must run, our T.V is only in Maltese and Mike is very bored, so I will log on to CNN (so glad we were able to get portable wifi) to hear more of the Boston Marathon explosion and maybe catch another episode of Call the Midwife, an enjoyable t.v. series from the BBC.
Keep well, keep happy, and know you are loved...
local time is 20:24
local time is 20:24
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